Lacie Hard Drive
Rugged, d2, Quadra, 2big, 6big…
You can send or drop your media in one of our offices. Alternatively we offer a free pick up with DHL or Fedex.
Once we get your media in our lab, we will start the recovery process. 48h in express or 10 working days if you are not in a hurry. We will then copy all the data on a new hard drive that will be encrypted.
You will get a full report of the recovery for your perusal (Volume, architecture, number of files and folders).
We will issue the invoice and will wait for your paiement. We accept paiement online or bank transfers.
Once we got your paiement, we will send you back all your data on the new drive by Fedex or DHL and let you know the tracking number.
Luckily this is rare but it can happen. For example, a hard drive with too many surface defects or scratches on the magnetic platters can be impossible to work on. A micro SD broken in half is also nearly impossible to work on. It is also impossible to get data back from a formatted SSD or if you have deleted files and folders. Same goes for an Iphone for instance.
We are expert when it comes to recover data from damaged media. We work on all kinds, from flash memories like SSD or Micro SD, to more classic hard drives to magnetic tapes.